This Spring found us with a startlingly huge increase in chipmunks as it has formany this year.
We have had amazing success considerably lowering their population with thesesimple, humane and environmentally friendly tactics:
- Clean up all areas around the home and gardens, eliminating their hiding places; leaves, sticks, rocks, etc. and trim plants/bushes away from the home perimeter. We had an old brick barbecue that had become a chipmunk ‘hotel’ so that was also removed.
- Use Cayenne or similar retardant (pureed garlic &/or hot pepper spray, coffee grounds-ask a local coffee shop for their grounds, etc.) to sprinkle/spray the areas after clean-up. Liquid retardants generally last longer than dry. We have had success with Plantskydd (a blood meal product) available in granular and liquid.
- Plant flowers and herbs that are natural deterrents ; some examples are: Marigolds, Ageratum, Shasta, Yarrow, Black Eyed Susan, Phlox, Spider wort Sage, Oregano ,Basil, Rosemary, Lavender, Spearmint.
While all of this did not eliminate the chipmunks entirely, it greatly reduced thepopulation and any destructive activity. Experiment and try different methodsthat may work better for you. These methods have been successful for us butthere are many more ideas out there to try. Good luck with your efforts andenjoy your summer and gardens.